all postcodes in LN6 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN6 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN6 4RH 49 3 53.230898 -0.624839
LN6 4RD 6 0 53.230313 -0.62715
LN6 4RJ 69 0 53.230312 -0.622386
LN6 4RN 21 0 53.227368 -0.62666
LN6 4RP 3 0 53.221279 -0.623005
LN6 4RR 29 18 53.213233 -0.633926
LN6 4RS 13 1 53.218381 -0.648934
LN6 4RT 15 1 53.219006 -0.651685
LN6 4RU 7 1 53.219563 -0.654019
LN6 4RX 14 0 53.22142 -0.650486
LN6 4RY 13 2 53.234242 -0.658743
LN6 4RZ 2 0 53.2088 -0.653533
LN6 4RB 0 53.221145 -0.650839
LN6 4WZ 1 53.234912 -0.619017
LN6 4RL 1 53.228115 -0.630621
LN6 4AE 5 0 53.231259 -0.625442